Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa

The boys also got to visit Grandma & Grandpa while there & they were sad to leave them. The boys are so lucky to have such wonderful, caring, and involved grandparents on both sides of the family. We are so truly blessed in that area. Andrew told me he liked staying with Grandma and Grandpa without "Daddy & Mommy" there. Guess he has it figured out!!!

My other niece is 6 weeks old!

We also got to see Evelyn Grace on our quick visit to Birmingham. She is the cutest little peanut!!

Michelle's 2nd Birthday!!

My niece turned 2 last weekend & the boys were happy to join her at her Birthday party. She had a Dora party & she was adorable. They all had so much fun together and the boys loved helping her blow out candles & open presents! Who wouldn't?

Andrew enjoying CANDY!!


This Halloween was really a lot of fun for the boys. I think they REALLY get the idea now and they had so much fun trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. At the end of the night, Andrew had said that this was the best night ever. I think it had more to do with all the candy that they received.:) A neighbor on the other street gave them giant pixie sticks that I will post pictures of...just think of all that sugar!! I think that was the favorite though as you can see.